"Disruptors" for Treasury and Finance Professionals.

MN RUUPA, VDA's, Let's Talk Unclaimed Property Changes

Level: Basic

Companies holding unclaimed property are coming under increased risk of penalties and interest if non-compliant. The session will discuss foundational responsibilities, potential audit triggers, and ways to come into compliance if liabilities are uncovered (voluntary disclosure agreements). We will share insights on what's going on in the industry. MN ULC Commissioners have a task force working to revise Minnesota Laws so future changes could be on the horizon. 

Heather Steffans

Heather Steffans has over 22 years of professional experience in marketing unclaimed property solutions to holders. She is recognized in the industry as a subject matter expert and thought leader, tradeshow expert, popular industry conference speaker at AFP, UPPO, APA and veteran webinar presenter. Heather has had articles published in Global Payroll Management Institute, Paytech, and Bloomberg.

Clive Cohen

Clive Cohen has extensive experience assisting companies from Fortune 100 down with a wide variety of unclaimed property issues. An expert in all phases of the unclaimed property transaction life cycle, Clive assists his clients not only with audit defense and initial compliance, but also with implementation of sustainable business process improvements.


MN RUUPA, VDA’s, Let’s Talk Unclaimed Property Changes
05/12/2020 at 2:30 PM (CDT)  |  60 minutes
05/12/2020 at 2:30 PM (CDT)  |  60 minutes